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Zero Analytics Dashboard: A New Tool for Zero Users

March 8, 2023
min read

The Sovryn Zero team is excited to introduce the Zero analytics dashboard. This new tool tracks important information about the Zero protocol on Sovryn all in one place. It furthers the Sovryn commitment to transparency and to the best possible experience for our community of users.

The Zero analytics dashboard provides current and historical information on key metrics related to the Zero protocol. With this tool, users can assess their own positions and gain valuable insights into the health and performance of the protocol. Users can have confidence that Zero is functioning in a healthy manner and that their own position is as safe as they want it to be.

Here's an overview of the different sections of the dashboard.


This section provides a quick overview of key metrics related to the Zero protocol, including total collateral ratio of the system, number of lines of credit, RBTC collateral in the system, ZUSD issued, and the current origination fee. It shows the same system information that can be found in the Zero dapp but without having to connect a wallet to the dapp to see it.

Line of Credit (LoC) Activity

This section tracks information related to lines of credit, including the number of LoCs, the total RBTC collateral, and the total debt of outstanding LoCs over time. One example of this section is the total collateral ratio plot.

You can see at a glance how the total collateral ratio (TCR) has varied over time. The plot also shows how close the TCR is to the recovery mode threshold (150%) and to the minimum required collateral threshold (110%).


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Stability Pool Activity

This section provides updates on the stability pool, including the total amount of ZUSD in the pool over time and liquidation activity.


This section tracks revenue generated by the Zero protocol, including origination and redemption fees to stakers and liquidation profits to stability pool participants.

The plot above shows cumulative origination and redemption fees since Zero was launched in June 2022. You can see how Zero continues to grow in adoption as the word spreads.


This section provides valuable insights into user activity on the protocol. This is where you can evaluate your own line of credit relative to others and to the system as a whole. One example is LoCs vs collateral ratio (below). If you mouse over the plot, you can see the collateral value (in USD) of the targeted LoC as well as its collateral ratio. As you can see in the figure, when you mouse over the live plot (the image below is a static screenshot), several tools are presented that allow you to look at the plot in a variety of ways—zooming in and full screen, for example.

Another helpful plot shows the potential liquidation amounts as the BTC price drops from current levels, assuming the current LoC positions remain as they are currently. In the current state of the system, a relatively small liquidation could occur around $16.6K. Liquidation potential begins to grow significantly around $13.5K.

The ZUSD redemption buffer vs collateral ratio plot (shown below) provides some useful information for monitoring your collateral ratio. Two values are shown per CR—a min buffer and a max buffer. Both values express the amount of ZUSD that can be redeemed before a line of credit at the moused-over CR is redeemed against. If redemptions occur in small chunks, your position could be redeemed against after the min buffer value is exhausted. However, if redemptions occur in large chunks, as much as the max buffer value could be redeemed before redeeming against your position. For planning purposes, the min buffer is the more conservative level to account for.

Zero History

This section provides a historical view of key metrics related to the Zero protocol, allowing users to track changes and performance over time.

With the Zero Analytics Dashboard, you can monitor your position and gain valuable insights into the performance and health of the protocol. We believe that transparency is key to building trust in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, and we're committed to providing our users with the tools you need to make informed decisions.

We encourage all Sovryns to check out the dashboard and explore its features. As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions for how we can continue to improve the Sovryn experience. Together, we can build a better, more transparent, and more equitable financial system.

Thank you for being a part of the Sovryn community.

Stay Sovryn!


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